So everything I do, I just put it in boiling water.
And this confusion, I think, has everything to do with the fact that this is no ordinary moral that we have in this work of literature.
So it's by no means do I mean to suggest, "Oh, here's everything you need to know about the subject."
All right? Because if I don't do any swaps on a pass through the algorithm, then it says everything's in the right order.
And then next time, next Wednesday-- - because remember we're not meeting on Monday-- next Wednesday, I'll do a similar kind of lecture for everything you need to know about Ancient Judaism, to put the New Testament into its historical context.
So, what kind of--I don't want to give everything away-- but what kind of themes do we have in a course like this, what have I forgotten about? Oh me.
In fact, I would encourage you to think the way physicists do, even if you don't plan to be a physicist, because that's the easiest way to do this subject, and that is to follow the reasoning behind everything I give you.
You could put everything on this line, I think there may be, I'm not really allowed to do this on this model, the one thing I can't do is, part of the truth is that Bud Light might be down here somewhere but I'm not allowed to do that.
I can't tell you everything that we will do, but I know you will like it.
Even if you did everything that I would do, we would still have a vulnerability to financial crises.
It's an allusion that has everything to do with Milton's own sense of his unreadiness, and I'm thinking of that. Oh, it's just -- it's wonderful, that strange moment that happens fairly early on in the poem.
Everything that I do needs to be perfect.
And I'd do everything different.
And I just have to do this today on the Greco-Roman world, tell you everything you need to know about the Greco-Roman world, at least for this semester.
You won't get everything I'm talking about in the lectures, if all you do is the readings.
That's going to be the way I'm going to do everything in this course.
Now I could go through again and do exactly the same thing for Player II, but I'm not going to do that because everything's symmetric.