And they're awfully simple because, all I can do now, is decide whether to execute some piece of code or another.
Of course there are lots of ways we can execute the cycle, but this is a simple one, and these are steps that we're all familiar with at this point.
Towards semester's end you will have the opportunity to choose a project to work on, choose a project that is entirely of your own choice to execute.
It's harder than you think, right, but that's the kind of thing that musicians, particularly percussion players, have to be able to execute.
What that means, in a stored-program computer, is that I can provide to the computer a sequence of instructions describing the process I want it to execute.
But we studied what other companies were doing and said, "Okay, let's come up with the Dell process for doing this that's going to be right for our culture, right for our business and that we can execute."
A minority government of revolutionary Puritans had effectively taken control of the state. The radical Puritan Parliament voted to execute the tyrant -- what they considered to be the tyrant, King Charles I -- and to establish its own government.
concerned his refusal to join in the judgment to condemn and execute the ten Athenian generals who had failed to collect the corpses, the bodies, of the men lost in a particular battle during the Peloponnesian War?
- So double bar means if this condition or this one -- and maybe even both -- are true, go down this road and execute that code.
Well at most, I'm going to execute each instruction once. All right?
If it does, then execute each of the instructions in that block.
Let's see if we can actually execute it.
And what it's saying semantically is, using that variable as my placeholder, have it walk through this collection, starting at the first thing, execute that code, then the next thing, execute that code, and so on.
We're just going to go through it and execute it a little bit. And then we'll move on and talk about how we'd actually make some of these measurements of delta H and compare
All right, so now let's see how we execute it, and do the calculations that allow us to calculate this. So, one, what's delta H in step one?
So conceptually the key difference here, besides the syntax looking slightly different, it just means that if you want a chunk of code to execute no matter what initially, ; you can use the do while loop; if you want to check a condition first, you can use the while loop.
If it is true, execute the sequence of instructions.
We execute that instruction, we move to the next one.
Remember last time, I said that there's different kinds of complexity in our code, and I suggested for simple branching programs, the amount of time it takes to run that program is, in essence, bounded by the number of instructions, because you only execute each instruction at most once.
But literally all I can do at this stage is write what we would call a straight-line program, that is, a program in which we execute in which we execute the sequence of instructions one by one.
And here's a little trick -- and again, we promised to point -- out little tricks of the trade -- if I know I want to execute the last command I typed that started with an m, bangm will actually figure out what that command was and redo it for me so I don't have to figure it out, or you can go back in time in a terminal window.
So what's going to happen here? If I'm inside this FOR, OK, and I'm running around, if I ever hit a place where this test is true, I'm going to execute that return, return that return returns from the entire procedure. OK? So the return comes back from the procedure.
So the question was, why is this return down at this level, it says, well if I ever execute out of this FOR loop, I get to the end of the FOR loop without hitting that branch that took me through the return, then and only then do I want to actually say, gee, I got to this place, there isn't any value to return, none I'm going to return none and none.
As an aside, if you ever just have one line of code that you want to execute, one puzzle piece in Scratch terminology, ; you actually don't need the curly braces; you only need the curly braces if you have two or more lines of code that you want to execute if that condition is true.