Bishop's sandpiper poet, there in your handout, is obsessed with the mere details of experience, those sand grains, quartz grains.
So it really, you know, becoming familiar with the different methods is best done through experience, not through books.
He's a page-turner, and his extraordinary brilliance as a critic is really just part of the experience of reading him.
But they were fully formed adults and intellectuals, and that was a heady experience for a kid from Chicago.
Being a hobo is produced in this little vignette by the experience of seeing a hobo get pie from your mother.
So I put my head down and focused on operation technology, focused on the user's experience, and I delivered.
So I think that the best people who I've hired so far have been people who didn't really have that much engineering experience.
This is the story of the empowerment of the poet, his empowerment through his experience of a terrible loss.
Hopefully you've got experience saying that this happens, of course it does.
But before we'd do that I'd like to just have a quick discussion about your experience with the Daily Plate.
It might take you a little longer to get through it, but I wanted you to have the same experience.
We don't even think about it in fact, to experience the high and then the low and high and then low.
So writing out electron configurations I realize is something that a lot of you had experience many of you are very comfortable doing it, especially for the more straightforward atoms.
In fact to write a run those same experience-- those same experiments now with the even greater volume of data computers are now producing I'd probably have terabytes worth of data and at that point things just would have broken.
They go above and beyond to craft a beautiful experience in their store and they have to compromise to accept credit cards.
Because they represent dimensions of experience formerly excluded from the elevated, idealized discourse that is poetry, dimensions of experience excluded as prosaic.