Yup. So it's just that ionization energy 94×10-18J that we have experimentally measured, 3 . 9 4 times 10 to the negative 18 joules.
And if we experimentally know z what the ionization energy is, we actually have a way to find out what the z effective will be equal to.
Experimentally, though, that's not such an easy situation to arrange.
So there's less range of what you can do experimentally.
The Born exponent is determined experimentally, and there are tables of that.
And remember again, the binding energy physically is the negative of the ionization energy, and that's actually how you can experimentally check to see if this is actually correct.
So what we'll start with today is talking about the technique that's primarily used to actually experimentally figure out what these different energy levels are.
So I said that this technique was used to experimentally determine what the different binding energies or the different ionization energies are for the different states in a multielectron atom.
And this was experimentally validated, hopefully, even more clearly than our experiment here.
You wouldn't be expected to be able to guess that this would happen, because using any kind of simple theory, we would, in fact, predict that this would not be the case, but what we find experimentally is that it's more stable to have half filled d orbital than to have a 4 s 2, and a 3 d 4.