So one of the things we're trying to do here is to facilitate dinners for the students at large, undergraduates and graduate students.
The other way is that like, they facilitate us in having like little meetings with professors and that kind of things,
What should we open course do to either encourage or facilitate local adaptations of materials.
The purpose of law, Hobbes tell us, is not so much to control but to facilitate.
And this is going to be a major international organization to help facilitate communication and collaboration among researchers and practitioners of positive psychology.
Well our goal here was to answer that question for people and then hopefully facilitate friends getting together, shopping courses with each other, for each other, picking up syllabi and thus was born what we dub Harvard Courses.
And these aren't necessarily so incompatible but the evolutionary perspective I think would argue that you can feel that kind of love for more than one person or at least it would facilitate the passing on of your genetic material to a larger array of the next generation.
And the idea of it was that we would facilitate our Spanish- speaking students
They would have appeared in the seventeenth century with line numbers because line numbers obviously facilitate the production of scholarly commentary and facilitate the study of those texts in the classroom.
The purpose of a good law is to facilitate human agency in some ways.
Its purpose is to facilitate, not simply to control and inhibit.