If you have a white wall, that's when we did Zen meditation, it's easier if you're just facing a wall.
I'll then pose some of the questions and the challenges we are facing in the area of access in sustainability.
Now, in practice, this is not the only problem facing two firms who are trying to produce the monopoly output.
实际上 这并非两个想维持垄断产量的,企业需要面对的唯一问题
It just doesn't seem true that everybody who knows they're going to die and is facing their death feels lonely.
The way to read this diagram is it's as if it were my brain and I am facing this way.
Now, all the cat is doing is that it's an infinite loop and it's checking if I am not facing bird, - face bird, and it's -- It's constantly chasing the bird.
I'm saying that kind of jokingly but I think you are facing a rather if you're out in the job market you are facing a difficult economy
Furthermore doesn't the study of old books often very old books ? risk overlooking the issues facing us today?
The other chain is facing in the other direction, the 3' carbon is up, the 5' carbon is down.
But this is mirrored by Sal's very specific investment in Dean, and this is on the bottom of the facing page, on 189: Resolutely and firmly I repeated what I said.
Absolutely. I think one of the biggest issues that's facing business in general
And I want to talk to them about the challenges that we're facing
The traditional answer is that These guys actually did press up against the rows in front of them And that this provided a momentum That gave the front line an advantage in beating the enemy facing them.
So right footed players find it easier to shoot to the left as facing, to shoot across the goal.
And so now when I have the list here, let's see, yours is facing this way, so small is gonna be here large is gonna be here.
When he's turning and facing the people, he's on their case.