The first step to insight is to ask questions like why do things fall down and not up?
And you know, that's tough for them but you know what, if you fall down,
And I imagine the first person who articulated the question aloud probably met with the response saying, "What a stupid question. Of course things fall down."
We don't have the time here to go case, by case, by case, and ask ourselves, "How does the evidence fall down one side versus the other?"
我们这里没有时间一个接一个地,看这些例子 然后问,这个证据是怎么让一方打倒另一方的
Everybody's going to put the cup down and assumes it's going to stay there but not fall to the floor.
And if you go to the website and look down here, 02 Fall Term '02.
Well let's see. My fall back is, I could just do linear search, walk down the list one at a time, just comparing those things. OK. So that's sort of my base. But what if I wanted, you know, how do I want to get to that sorted list? All right?
Well, yes, of course things fall down, but why?
And this is why the humor-- why the damage is often a certain sort of damage involving things like embarrassment, sex, scatology, a banana peel, pie in the face, your pants fall down or something, where there's no real harm.
If you take enough alcohol, it then goes down to inhibit the excitatory parts of your brain and then you fall on the floor and pass out.