But we all know that people do fall in love, but souls would allow us to explain that.
There is a kind of cultural myth around the stranger, the person you don't know, who you will--who you fall in love with.
And give yourself the chance to fall in love with it the way that I did.
Excellent. Okay. So, just to be warned, you might fall in love with the subject you do your UROP in.
Our best science suggests that a well-functioning body can perform these things, can think and plan and fall in love by virtue of the fact that the brain is functioning properly.
Greek novels usually were about a man and a woman, young,rich,who see each other and fall madly in love and passionately want one another.
Familiarity--We tend to fall in love with people in our environment with whom we are already familiar.
It isn't the stranger you fall in love with.
The mind is just a way of talking about the fact that our body can think, can communicate, can plan, can deliberate, can be creative, can write poetry, can fall in love.
Could a purely physical being fall in love?
According to the physicalist view, a person is just a body that can do all of those things: can reflect, can be rational, can communicate, can make plans, can fall in love, can write poetry.
I'm going to be trying to explain fundamental aspects of ourselves including questions like how do we make decisions, why do we love our children, what happens when we fall in love, and so on.
We can fall in love.
But if we could statistically control for every other variable, all I'd need to do is measure the distance from your door to everybody else's door on campus and I could chart out who's going to fall in love with whom on the Yale campus.
So, suppose you fall in love with somebody and you decide you want to marry them and then somebody was asked to ask you why and you'd say something like, " "Well, I'm ready to get married this stage of my life; " I really love the person; " the person is smart and attractive; I want to have kids" whatever.