I also use it as a connection between family life, family roots and just to make the adventure more real.
It will benefit me as an individual, but in terms of family life, things like that, it wasn't too appealing.
Freud's--Freud was very focused on the family life of the people he interacted with, which is rather upper class Europeans, and these sort of questions would have been difficult for Freud to answer.
He's a black man, and he passes for his whole life as Jewish, and in doing so rejects his family.
Yeats bridges Irish and English cultures, and he is importantly Protestant with social and family ties to English life.
I think that just it's a story that about his family before he left and sort of how he had a very happy, joyful life with his family.
Again, this is just his personal ambivalence about who he was, and his uncertainty about the role that he had in his own family So, this was a play-acting that was part of his life.
and "how can I continue to guide you through your life in the various junctures, and that means family, that means everything, what do you love and how can you guide your life through love?"
The sense of powerlessness, the most profound sense of powerlessness, suggested already by the first episode where his mother almost takes back the life she gave him, is rooted in the family.