And so in theory after just 2 or 3 steps you were in order of magnitude farther along in this counting process than I would be because I'd still be on person literally 3 or 4.
So I'd say, the farther north you go, there's no businesses.
Well, now I just want to point out that close reading can always be pushed farther.
So this squared at the origin is going to be a very high probability, and it decays off as you get farther and farther away from the nucleus or from the center, and that's independent of the angle.
Whatever's closer to 5 is better than whatever's farther away from 5.
无论如何 选择靠近立场5的收益,总是比远离立场5的收益要好
So the DNA is going to get spread out on this gel according to size, with the small ones going farther and the large ones not going as far.
you have to go much farther downtown towards Greenwich Village.
It takes you to the link of the place that publishes the article, but then you have to look a little farther to download the entire article.
Maybe it's not Jupiter.It's farther away.
If you allow a little bit of spacing, a little more space between your frequencies, they're a little bit farther apart, then you can move from closeness plays to spacing and you get the consonance.
Or you start getting farther and farther away from Manhattan,
And for that minute a blackbird sang Close by, and round him, mistier, Farther and farther, all the birds Of Oxfordshire and Gloucestershire.
Because the molecules are farther apart from each other. So the energy goes up.
And when you're switching n's, you're actually getting quite a bit farther away.
The winner is going to be farther away from her.
We're working up farther and farther in these partials and we've got some of these notes right next to each other and they want to move to the stable notes so we're going to be hearing a lot of a note right above the tonic wanting to pull down to that tonic note.