But the nymphs in all of their sensuous beauty, with "flow'r-inwov'n tresses," they have to experience the same fate.
It might be darkness. It might be spirit. Or in ancient Greek religion, a more sort of philosophical polytheism, it might be fate.
The blind Fury here is the mythological figure Atropos; this is the Fate that cuts the slender thread by which our lives dangle.
May no fate willfully misunderstand me And half grant what I wish and snatch me away not to return.
Hundreds of years before the birth of Christ, Homer described the fate of the companions of Odysseus who were transformed by a witch into pigs.
So it's not just knowing what genes or figuring out ways to look at gene expression, it's figuring out how this expression of key genes affects the fate of the individual.
And that fate is waiting for all of us.
That there's no situation that would allow human beings to take the idea of fate or the other people's lives in their own hands, that we don't have that kind of power.
At the same time, you might think his reticence, his reluctance to speak in his own voice may have also been a response to the fate of Socrates and politically endangered situation of philosophy.
And when we don't see the seed of greatness, when we don't water it and shed a light on it, it withers and dies, which is unfortunately the fate of most human potential.
What is the fate of this particle?"
When he was shipwrecked on the island in which the goddess Calypso ruled,she fell in love with Odysseus, just as the fate of great heroes-- they are heroic and handsome, and fast and women love them.
In other words, you might think of it as a kind of artificial, processed, bland, easily consumable version of fate. I really mean that. One of the funny things about that debt to Finnegans Wake is, Finnegans Wake as a book of puns is unreadable.
Fate will permit no apocalypse before its time, before the necessary and painful steps that have to lead up to the Last Judgment.
You obeyed Israelite law and custom, you revered Israelite lore, you entered into the historical community of Israel by accepting that their fate and yours should be the same.
They are trying to make sense of the tragedy that has befallen them, how a text like Joshua 23 and Joshua 24 would go a long way towards explaining their fate while retaining faith in Yahweh.