• Did I conceive all this people, did I bear them, that You should say to me, 'Carry them in your bosom as a nurse carries an infant,' to the land that You have promised on oath to their fathers?


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  • So in Deuteronomy 5:2-3: "The Lord our God made a covenant with us at Horeb . It was not with our fathers that the Lord made this covenant but with us, the living, every one of us who is here today."


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  • The Letter to the Hebrews,one letter of John, he rejects the Shepherd of Hermas,which is a book that we include in a groupings of writing we call the Apostolic Fathers.


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  • For the city, you see, no longer lived in the fashion and ways of our fathers.


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  • Why did they want to make sure that the daughters stayed in the households of their fathers?


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  • And if you have women marrying off into other families, and then they leave the household of their fathers, and they are officially and legally in a household with somebody else, that may end up increasing those households that have intermarriage coming in and not so much intermarriage going out.


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  • Yet other voices within the tradition--Plato Machiavelli Rousseau come to mind -believed that regimes can be self-consciously founded through deliberate acts of great statesmen or founding fathers as we might call them.


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  • It is not because you are the most numerous of peoples that the Lord set His heart on you and chose you ; indeed, you are the smallest of peoples; but it was because the Lord favored you and kept the oath He made to your fathers that the Lord freed you with a mighty hand and rescued you from the house of bondage, from the power of Pharaoh king of Egypt.


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  • It is the skill possessed by the greatest statesmen you might say the fathers of the constitutions as it were who create the permanent framework in which allows later and lesser figures to handle change.


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