But I think Milton would probably feel a little uncomfortable with our easy attribution of so much of the poem's learning to his memory.
at the end of their four years, that they feel cultured and familiar with, um, I guess the Western world,
I don't--not only can't I feel anything with my fingers, I don't have any sensations where my body should be.
So if you have some charge in the nucleus, but you also have repulsion with another electron, the net attractive charge that a given electron going to feel is actually less than that total charge in the nucleus.
We can just play with that particular interval to change entirely the way we feel about particular melodies.
So we can feel pretty comfortable that it's doing something good with that.
Those emotions you feel towards your kin, towards your genetic relatives, and those emotions that you feel towards the people you're not related to but interact with.
Did you feel that you came back with more grace?
This is real, unlike the Joule coefficient which is very small so that most gases have tiny Joule coefficients. So if you do a Joule experiment, you hardly measure a temperature change. With real gases, here you do actually measure it. You can feel it with your finger on your bicycle tire.
The same with making other people feel good-- complimenting people.
All right, so before I begin I just want to say I want to keep this pretty informal so feel free to jump in if you have comments, questions if you disagree with me.
and you feel like you've made a lot of choices in where to go with you and your friend.
and I work with them and you know, they hit their goal. That's when I feel the best about it.
but didn't have all the of the qualities of somebody who you should feel comfortable with.
I feel like I'm very, I try to keep it very positive with people.
Another Canaanite group, the Gibeonites, trick the Israelites into making a covenant with them, and it is a covenant the Israelites then feel bound to observe.