The subject of The Reason of Church Government is Milton's feelings about the hierarchical structure of the Church of the England.
And it's a useful pattern when you want to express that your feelings have been hurt or that you're not liking something,
The sheer cacophony of the clustered consonants in this line sets off -or has the potential to set off -- a powerful cluster of feelings.
If evolution is survival of the fittest, nature red in tooth and claw, how could animals evolve moral feelings?
3:9: "You shall not oppress a stranger, for you know the feelings of the stranger, having yourselves been strangers in the land of Egypt."
He states the problem of living in the South as a problem of feeling, that he needed to claim and consider his own feelings.
The New Criticism isn't interested in spontaneous overflows of powerful feelings.
Now, I think the best response on the part of the dualist to this reply is to distinguish two aspects of feelings, two aspects of emotions.
I would just say that in my experience you really have to want to do this, I would definitely encourage people to be aware of the breath and try to be mindful, but remember too it's very difficult for us to leave the negative feelings.
And food is associated with feelings.
We do know, again, Thucydides is our source, that it was customary for colonies to send representatives back to the mother city for the religious observations that were common to them all, so that those create good feelings.
Because it will allow you to express strong feelings about not liking something or not wanting something.
And I think they have different feelings about people of different backgrounds by just meeting professor himself, by learning about themselves and learning about their classmates.
I want to say something about morality and about mixed feelings that people have about finance.
As you continue with the deep breath, shift your focus to your emotions, to your feelings.
Presumably related to their own feelings, but it's not a biographical thing.