Then he flung outward, feet first, with a swish, Kicking his way down through the air to the ground.
Seriously, I only have one pair of shoes because I only have one pair of feet.
It's dangerous to want to get away from earth awhile, to get your feet entirely off the ground.
Haze drove about twenty feet and stopped the car and then began to back it He backed it over the body and then stopped and got out.
We have pictures of gods and kings seated on these seats, the sides of which are these giant winged cherubim, and then their feet rest on a footstool.
On the rickety bridge you're swaying in the breeze hundreds of feet above the water, the bridge seems unstable.
See how from far upon the Eastern road The Star-led wizards haste with odors sweet: O run, prevent them with thy humble ode, And lay it lowly at His blessed feet.
So here is an example of socks on feet being 0 the number of socks on Philip's feet which is in fact 0.
He had extremely small hands, very small feet, which meant he sort of lurched and stumbled sometimes when he walked, particularly because he drank enormous quantities.
suddenly all of Paris is organized at your feet.
So, these cells can be many, many feet long, these processes can.
It was a great round shield about three feet across and it had--let me step out here so that I can show you. Can you hear me back there?
What that is, is an organ pipe of the type of organ that we have over in Woolsey Hall, thirty-two feet tall, this gigantic sound of down there so that's what he's trying to set up.
I will try to finish every lecture on time, but sometimes if I'm in the middle of a sentence or the middle of a derivation, I may have to go over by a couple of minutes; there's no need to shuffle your feet and move stuff around.
back when America was first getting its feet and like, started to write its own literature.
He's a man up in the air you know he's so detached he doesn't have his feet on the ground.