It's the only time in recorded history that anyone fell in love with anybody in a documentary.
But once I saw the heart of the city, I fell in love with it.
When he was shipwrecked on the island in which the goddess Calypso ruled,she fell in love with Odysseus, just as the fate of great heroes-- they are heroic and handsome, and fast and women love them.
None other than Shelby the star of Ken Burns' film series on the Civil War, that lovely, lovely, lovely geriatric in a blue shirt that American women fell in love with in a documentary film.
The latency stage is they've gone through this huge thing with Mom and Dad, "fell in love with Mom, wanted to kill my father, dad was going to castrate me, " fell out of love with Mom, out of the sex business."
and I just totally fell in love with it here, and other schools...
So I became involved there and just fell in love with it.
and I just fell in love with the campus
The Athenians loved and respected him so much that they gave him the almost unheard honor of burying him right on the spot where he fell in the field, and thereafter, his name was always followed with glory, admiration and devotion.