And perhaps this is that doom which Adam fell into of knowing good and evil, that is to say, of knowing good by evil.
I tripped and fell into a manhole
As we'll see next time, Jews fell into the system in many different ways.
This is the doom which Adam fell into, ; this is the fallen condition to which we've all been consigned; but the passage is so much more complicated than that because good and evil seem to have been mixed up in the apple before the Fall.
Also, I'm used to teaching this course three times a week and now it's suddenly twice a week, and so things that fell into nice 50-minute units are now being snipped up different ways, so it's pretty difficult.
还有,我的课程安排原来是一周三次,现在突然变成了一周两次了,所以原来 50分钟一节的内容,现在被拆成两部分了,这个有点儿难办
They probably succeeded in subduing some of their neighbors, collecting tribute--there's some controversy about that but in about 922 this kingdom divided into two smaller and lesser kingdoms that fell in importance.