and the more recent one doesn't have a whole chapter on any one film, but there are lots of films analyzed.
So I thought, "Well, maybe I'll just move to London, which has a lot of film and TV as well."
And there are theories who say that by its definition film is not literary but it's a visual art.
In 1953 there was a documentary made about the deportation of Jews, from Paris, and there was a film made about this.
And that means you're going to be on film, at the very least on mike.
And by analyzing the film clips he tries to predict will their marriages survive.
In many ways, the idea was taken from the film "Pay it Forward".
It's about a five-minute segment from the film called The Third Man.
And they have graciously meet available their complete Film library. Not just the documentaries but the films They use before cut together the documentary for every hour of documentary their might be a hundred more hours of source video and film.
Yeah, it was a good film. I mean, I don't know how much of it was accurate or not.
If you want candy, sit much closer down, and that way we can film you as well as we go along. Right.
so you can be the best, you can possibly be on stage or on film or on TV?
The purpose of new form is not to express new content, but to change an old form which has lost its aesthetic quality lost its power to take the film away from our eyes].
None other than Shelby the star of Ken Burns' film series on the Civil War, that lovely, lovely, lovely geriatric in a blue shirt that American women fell in love with in a documentary film.
But I'm very excited because I'm going to work on a film in August about World War One, which is very exciting.
and grew up in Australia, you know, studied film and started working in TV and film over there,