You know, I came over on a holiday, the first time. I came on a six-month visa holiday.
The point that I'd been emphasizing is well first point of course has been don't confuse the stages with the entire space-time worm.
How many of you are here for the first time who weren't here for the--okay good.
And this is a picture from emersion week-- emersion week is when the very first time students meet together that for 5 days to Penn.
The first wave was in the 1960s and, at that time, Congress had limits-- state governments had limits on the interest that savings banks could pay people on their accounts.
And what we find, the first example of a Bronze Age-- and I use the word civilization now for the first time, because before the Bronze Age-- there is nothing that we would define as civilization.
- Well -- and I'll fix this blue next time -- I'm first telling the compiler I need access to the standard io library because printf is declared there.
I was going to say when you first start doing this, even people who have been doing it for a long time still go off on ten-minute daydreams before realizing that their minds were wondering.
For the first time"--this was, of course, the French aristocrat de Tocqueville "For the first time we have had the chance to examine the effect that slavery produces on a society.
So first time through the loop, the answer is a. Second time it-sorry, as it enters the loop, at the time it enter exits a the answer is a.
Because here he was for the first time in-- well, since my wife and I were together-- someone else is getting much more attention than I was, no matter how much I cried.
What I'd like to do--and this will be the first time I've the clicker thing in the class so let's try out this little quiz and see how it works.
The reason why I have "Time-ins"... This is something that I am introducing this year for the first time.
Remember I talk those of you who were here the first time: this course is built like a spiral Everything is intra-connected, what I talked about in the first class is connected to what I'm going to talk about today, is going to be connected to lecture 19.