So you say well, rather than rushing off and fixing this one bug, let me pull back and ask, bug is this a systematic mistake that I've made throughout the program?
And taking other websites and fixing them and picking them apart
He constructed stations for the great gods" - -The heavenly bodies were understood as stations for the great gods- Fixing their astral likenesses as constellations.
I think the problem is so extreme that nothing non-extreme has any chance of fixing it.
So we're not fixing prices here, we're not even naming price.
Psychology is not just the study of disease,weakness,and damage it also is the study of strength and virtue, Treatment is not just fixing what is wrong; it also is building what is right.
When you first bought the house they told you what the mortgage payment was and they're fixing that forever, well for thirty years.
the economy begins to recover, and then Hoover and the Congress decided what to do to fix things and they immediately make things worse, and Franklin Roosevelt comes in and keeps fixing it and keeps fixing it and keeps fixing it and the thing is bad bad bad.