So when I get back, I associate the flag with a very negative, that was the yonder side of American democracy.
People in the United States seem quite familiar with Jamaican culture, especially with its flag.
You know, my great uncle had been lynched and they wrapped his body with the US flag hanging from a tree.
If you would like to flag them as private, because you just don't want your classmates to see what you're asking, you can certainly do that.
I see a lot of products that have the colors of the Jamaican flag.
But it's worth taking a moment to flag the fact that there are people, there are philosophers, who think we can generalize across all humans.
When people today for example refer to flag burning as a desecration as desecrating the flag they are speaking ! the language of impiety right.
They then use the toilet to clean the flag.
I play flag football over on the courts. That's a lot of fun.
And,so,they proposed a deal, why don't you be king until you croak-- they didn't put it quite like that-- and then the Orleanists will take over with the red, white and blue flag?
As I said the other day if that Confederate flag would just go away, just vanish, just stick it in the basement of museums and no one would ever care about it anymore, maybe, maybe the South's burden would go away.
I was kicked out of school when I was in third grade for refusing to salute the flag.
So now, if I click the green flag, the program seems broken or--I don't know.
But just so you've been teased with them, "-ggdb" is a flag that's going to enable what are going to be called "debugging symbols."
So that is a flag that tells the compiler that I want to use or link into my own program code that someone else wrote that lives somewhere else on the system whose moniker is CS50.
Well, you can specify what's called a switch or a flag.