In the early years of the English Revolution, one of the hottest flash points of political contention was the degree of appropriate state involvement in the church.
In the course of backing itself up, there are sort of random events flash to consciousness and get put together in a coherent story.
And then watch what happens to the prose style and the difference in tone: I find it most difficult to express with adequate force that flash, that shiver, that impact of passionate recognition.
And whenever it pulls on it and moves it to the right side you can actually see the flash of the ions entering the cell.
And so this is why in problem set 5 last year when I took photographs on campus with a compact flash card, just standard consumer media and I accidentally formatted that compact flash card, I only lost the first few kilobytes, the first few thousand bits on that compact flash card.
It seems like it's not a news flash that religion is playing an extremely important part in our public square conversations, in our political life, in how we are making decisions on questions of poverty.
You'd redistribute in a flash, wouldn't you?
60 kilobits of memory. I mean, your flash cards have more than that, right?
If you're looking for a beautiful girl, this is one that not only shows you the pictures but it's got a Flash application that you can browse through as well.
And there's a huge industry with DVDs and flash cards and all sorts of things designed to teach your children language.
In one study by James Cutting, Cutting taught an Introduction to Psychology course and before each lecture he'd flash pictures on the screen.
SSDs is like using compact flash or SD cards.