It turns out to be-- there's a fairly complicated balance between the time of flight and the range.
And she has to catch a flight, and you know the flight is going to leave in three hours and she's taking her time.
Other one says, maximize the time of flight and you point a cannon like this.
His father was a democrat in czarist Russia, and he was quite a reformer. At the time that the Bolsheviks took over in 1919, there was a brief window of time prior to the family's flight.
My flight, my train should be leaving 8 o'clock tonight, Belgium time.
And then she took the exact same people-- this time, put them in a pilot overalls and at the same time put them in a flight simulator and showed them the exact same the eye chart.
Then it lands on your foot, because assuming the cannon is at zero height, the cannonball certainly comes out towards the enemy, but has no time of flight.
然后它就会落在你的脚边,因为假设大炮的高度为 0,炮弹笔直地出膛打向敌人,却没有时间飞行