What did you learn about how easy or hard it is to keep track of what food intake is?
There will be days when you're very busy, you don't have time to eat and your food intake is lower then normal.
Well, we'll sort through all these and discuss what a society might do to help change food preferences and food intake patterns in the society.
Well there are methods that get used to track population intake and methods to track individual food intake, and let's talk about each of them.
That the average--- the people were reporting consuming eleven, 1200 calories or something, but when their food intake was actually measured it was over 2 000 calories.
Well, the only way you know is to do studies-- and we'll talk about how these are done in the next class-- linking dietary behavior, food intake with health.
When we talk about methods to track individual food intake, there are different ways of doing this, different methods that get used and they have different levels of accuracy.
There is a researcher at The Harvard Medical School named David Ludwig who's done a terrific series of studies on the glycemic index and found how it relates to food intake, body weight regulation, and health.
Now when I asked you to start keeping the dietary records, I asked you not necessarily to change your food intake because we wanted you to have an accurate record of what you typically ate.
Although most of you would probably say "well it's--all these things are involved, at least to some extent,"society defaults to certain assumptions about what's driving food intake and there are some people that default to an environmental explanation of this.
Now several lectures down the road we'll talk about modern food and epidemiology; that is what the research on food intake and human health, and what do we know about our health and well-being based on diets.
Some people can fight the brain off in this case, and control their food intake, maintain a healthy diet, and maintain a normal weight, but the number of such people in the population is shrinking by the day.
有些人可以抵制大脑的控制,控制食物的摄入量,维持健康饮食 保持正常体重,而今,这类人的数量日益减少
A food frequency--by the way, you also have the issue of whether the particular twenty-four hours that a person is interviewed is representative of their diet overall, because you can imagine how much your food intake varies from day to day.
Then at the end of the day what you'll get is something that looks like this which will be a whole day's worth of food intake and then this is what I'd like you to print out and then write about in your concept sheets.
The first one that I'd like to mention today is Christina Roberto who is a grad student who is working at The Rudd Center who's right here, a teaching fellow for the class, is going to be doing some very interesting work on health policies and people's food intake.
There are other things that would qualify as food, but the not too much of course has to do with over-- intake of certain nutrients, the calories; and then eating mostly plants tends to be a pretty good idea.