It makes us think about black artists playing for a living in Prohibition Era back rooms.
and I live with this very nice girl, my roommate who writes plays for a living and works at a theater.
You're not pinned down to a place working for a living.
May I ask what you do for a living?
It's one thing to be thinking and for a living.
I study child development for a living and I'm interested in several questions.
What do you do for a living?
For the ancients, liberty meant living in a self-governing republic, living in a republic in which everyone again took some share in the ruling offices.
The image here that comes to mind for me is one of these deposed kings who ends up waiting on tables to make a living in New York.
The dollar is plunging, -and the dollar is plunging perhaps maybe just around a little bit -- That's been sinking for some months now-- -because America has been living beyond her means borrowing 2 billion a day from foreign nations.
Yes. Most of our clients are people who have been living in an apartment or in a house for a while
For the Greeks,on the other hand as I've said, political society was essential for living any kind of a good life.
And then for some reason, that nobody understands, 16/15 he decided to multiply again by 16/15, and that's how we get 32 for freezing of water and 96 in his words for the temperature in the mouth or underneath armpit of a living man in good health.
It points to an exilic date for the work's final composition: that is to say when it was finally redacted, the redactors were in exile, writing for a people living in exile. And the Deuteronomist wants to make it clear that it is fidelity to the Torah, rather than residence in the land that is critically important.
So here, just living at different university, like living at school for a while,
Whereas for me, living outside of London, it's kind of, more of a necessity.