But rather unlike Socrates, rather in staying to drink the hemlock, Aristotle left Athens and was reported to have said he did not wish to see the Athenians sin against philosophy for a second time.
That one's not so obvious. So let's think about this for a second. To sort a list in linear time, would say, I have to look at each element in the list at most a constant number of times.
The unit for time will be a second, and time will be measured in seconds.
Second, since we watch films, we don't have a great deal of time for leturing on my part, discussion by you, or the presentations, we'll be talking about its possibilities.
In my in my area of research, it's common for us to want to process about 100 images a second in order to get real time display. Each image has about a million elements in it. I 've got to process about a half a gig of data a second in order to get anything out of it.