Sometimes it's remarkable for all of us if we try to be very prepared-mind-oriented, very proactive around where the most interesting opportunities.
Are there enough rooms in the dorms for all of the undergraduate students?
I mean, in some ways, for all of the European criticisms of the United States, we've in some ways incorporated different religious traditions better than the Europeans.
So Athens was the polis for Attica, but it was also the polis for all of Attica, all that region around Athens, including villages and farms and other small towns too.
Are we recompensed in some way for all of those sacrifices ? that we make in the name of virtue?
And then we can go ahead and let's quickly write out w hat the formal charges for all of these will be.
And we go through that with our board as well, for all of our senior leaders, so they kind of see how our leaders develop.
For all of his tough talk, Hobbes takes justice and the rule of law very seriously, far more seriously than, for example, does Machiavelli.
For all of Yeats's reactionary moods, even for his indulgence in nostalgia here, he's not a nostalgic poet. And this poem I think shows us what I mean by that.
The abandonment of such a study or its adulteration for current political purposes would be a terrible loss for all of humanity, and at the base, at the root of that civilization stood the Greeks.
.. You might say, optimists are those-- now in this more chastened version of optimism, optimists say, "Even if immortality would be bad eventually after a million years or ten million years or what have you, " the next chunk of life would've been good for all of us."
This slide shows one important feature of the physical chemistry of DNA that turns out to be very important for all of the technology that is built on DNA.
这张幻灯片展示了,DNA非常重要的理化特性,这些特性,对于所有以DNA为基础的技术很重要 and it has ratings for all of our professors specifically.,专门用来评价我们各位教授的。
So now let's do it for all of the ions.
If you have that sort of high-level, this is where we're going, this is the vision, this is the next 30 days and three months and six months and a year maybe, it makes it very, very easy to set priorities and for all of the edges of the company to set their own priorities to do the right thing.
And the bug was in my thinking, I did not look for all of the tests.