But again, that we will supply for you on the exam just in case you forget it at that moment.
So it's worth looking on the internet for anything that's going on at the moment.
That was for me at the moment when I really, ok this is the spiritual moment.
We won't come back to it at least for the moment, but you see that it's mercifully short, and as time passes we will do some rather interesting tricks with it.
Because what you don't see in this file is any code a that actually says put a letter of the alphabet at the top left hand corner of the screen and then put the next character to the right in other words, I'm taking for granted at this moment in time that my computer knows how to print something to the screen.
And in a moment, I'll ask whether it's the best possible explanation, but before we do turn to that question, there is an objection to this entire way of looking at things that's probably worth pausing for a moment and considering.
And when you call a function, one of the things X that happens is whatever your passing in, for instance, X, ; and if this is A, this thing gets copied into A; so at that moment in time of calling increment, I actually have two copies of the same value in memory but they're referred to by different names.