That is to say, the arts of interpretation are used for the purpose of discovering, uncovering, and arriving at meaning.
Let's flip back a step beyond that to Mycenaean civilization for the purpose of noting the great contrast, the great change.
He wanted to build institutions that would be used for the sole purpose of perfecting the slave into the perfect worker.
And so that's the part of the brain that's the key part of a body for the purpose of personal identity.
Nutrients get broken down into several classes and these are the constituents of food that your body uses for one purpose or another.
For me the absolutely shocking fact of this simile ] is that its primary purpose is merely to describe the number of angels who are prostrate on the burning lake of hell.
For our purpose just these are the kinds of changes that can happen.
Let me just review the preceding lecture briefly for that purpose.
For Aristotle the point and purpose of political science is to mediate the causes of faction to help causes of faction that lead to revolution and civil war.
This is 1969, and the purpose that's alleged for appealing to the author as a paternal source, as an authority, is, according to both Barthes and Foucault, to police the way texts are read.
And he wants to emphasize Hanson himself has a farm that specializes in grapes for the purpose of producing raisins.
The purpose of that dialogue, of that philosophical work, is to argue for the immortality of the soul.
God's redemption of the Israelites is a redemption for a purpose, a purpose that doesn't become clear until we get to Sinai, for at Sinai the Israelites will become God's people, bound by a covenant.