The simple city is little more than a combination of households designed for the sake of securing one's existence.
And for the sake of this class, we're going to consider most gases to be ideal gases. Questions?
Wealth property he tells us exists for the sake of virtue not virtue for the sake of wealth.
As a matter of style, the chorus would staunchly preach yes, for the sake of readability.
I have zero interest in describing historical figures in psychology just for the sake of telling you about the history of the field.
Let's just suppose that,for the sake of avoiding those complications, that when my body dies,it gets destroyed.
Now, how many agree with that argument, agree with the libertarian argument that redistribution for the sake of trying to help the poor is wrong?
Maybe more by now. But let's, for the sake of argument, ten billion pages.
On the vertical axis I'll put two vertical axes in, just for the sake of things on the vertical axis I'll put my expected payoffs.
Call them towns for the sake of argument, sounds too urban, but call them that.
And I am able to vary the voltage on the plates making this for argument's sake negative and this for argument's sake positive.
I think also what we're trying to build was not just this for America's sake, but I do think that we have the potential of offering an example, of how to do this well.
Furthermore, their marriages and their procreations will be, he tells us, for the sake of the city.
So there may be certain rights that the minority members have that the individual has that shouldn't be traded off for the sake of utility?
It's just different for the sake of being different.
But let's grant that assumption for the sake of argument.
Even the Platonic just city will have to cultivate warrior citizens who are prepared to risk life in battle for the sake of their own city.
The citizen of the best regime he says must be able to sustain war if duty requires but only for the sake of peace and leisure.
Does Socrates believe that speech ? that he constructs between himself and the laws or is it simply a fiction that he creates for the sake of relieving ? his friend of the guilt he evidently feels for being unable to help Socrates?
Just for sake of argument, we'll assume it's about there, and I do the same thing.
The political partnership he says must therefore be regarded as being for the sake of noble actions and not just for the sake of living together.
For Aristotle, human beings have a goal or a telos, which is to live a life in community with others for the sake of human flourishing.
It's a violation of people's liberty for the government to force everyone whether they want to or not to put aside some earnings today for the sake of their retirement.
And for time's sake, I'm not going to bother changing the name all of the time, at least for now.