The problem with that answer is before you say something is scripture, you have to say why is it scripture,for whom is it scripture, and what does that mean?
So, the most connected one would be the one for whom the quarter million are, on average, the most connected to.
So this is going to be review still again, and for those of you for whom it isn't review don't worry.
Again, for those-- for whom this is blocked, I'm just dividing the rectangle into smaller squares which is to say that memory is addressable.
If I give you one observer for whom the Law of Inertia is true, I say that others for whom is also true.
Let's hear from one of you for whom the lottery would make a moral difference.
And the interesting point is many people who have this sort of experience, for whom their mortality has become vivid, they often say,I've got to change my life.
So, to summarize, in Genesis 1, The view of god is that there is one supreme god, who is creator and sovereign of the world, who simply exists, who appears to be incorporeal, And for whom the realm of nature is separate and subservient.
Hobbes, as we see, sometimes writes as a sort of scientist or proto-scientist for whom nature and one supposes the laws of nature operate with the same kind of necessity as the laws of physical attraction.
I want to end this premise idea by talking a little bit about a person for whom, one of the chief purpose in life was to spread happiness-- Mahatma Gandhi. This is a story about him.
That is the special category that Foucault wants to reserve for those privileged figures whom he calls founders of discursivity.
Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?
So when you say,though,theological appropriateness is what ended up being the most important criterion for including stuff in the canon,you actually have to say then, "Appropriate to whom?"
It's the story of Aengus' longing and quest for union with a fairy girl whom he desires.
East Texas is right and now he's punching cows," and that was exactly right, and still I couldn't believe Gene could really have known Slim whom I have been looking for more or less for years.
That is an example of a person for whom the Law of Inertia does not work.
What is it the Israelites were saying in their day and in their time and against whom and for what?"
If you find one inertial observer, namely one person for whom this Law of Inertia works, I can manufacture for you an infinite number of other people for whom this is true.
There are people for whom this is true.