So, when we get really close together, granted, there is a net positive negative charge with a Coulombic force of attraction.
And then the potential energy, the energy is stored here due to the coulombic force of attraction between the electron and the nucleus.
So, if we think about the force that occurs between a positively and a negatively charged particle, what we have is essentially a Coulomb force, so we can describe this as a force of attraction.
The positive force of attraction of the electrons on the outside is greater and greater, and that pulls everything in.
And we saw last day that we have a Coulombic force of attraction which you have seen before.
There is a Coulombic force of attraction.
If you look at the ground state in two different systems -If you look at the ground state which is n equals one, think about this, if I increase the proton charge, the Coulombic force of attraction is greater.