That is, you minimize potential energy and you see things falling under the force of gravity and so forthgoing to potential energy minima in conformance with this result.
Newton finds out there's a force of gravity acting on everything.
One should do," he says, "what archers do when attempting to reach a distant target, namely, aim your bow high, knowing that the force of gravity " will bring the arrow down."
The poet, after all, is subject to gravity in Frost, to the force of the earth.
They seem to be going somewhere and there's this sort of force of pull or gravity in music having to do with some chords wanting to go to other chords.
This is the force of gravity.
Then the acceleration of the planet is the force of gravity between the planet and the Sun, which Newton will tell you is directed towards the Sun and it depends on how far you are.
For example, we know that if a body is near the surface of the Earth, the force of gravity of that object seems to be m times g, where g is 9.8.
例如,我们知道,如果在地球表面有一个物体,该物体受到的重力大小为 m 与 g 的乘积,g 等于 9.8
Gravity is one force that acts on a body without the source of the force actually touching it.
Whenever there is a force, it can be traced back to a tangible material cause, which is all the time a force of contact, with the exception of gravity.