So, what we're looking at here is the force when we have two charged particles, one positive one negative -- here, the nucleus and an electron.
According to the Priestly source, blood, the blood that courses through one's veins, represents the life force.
Gravity is one force that acts on a body without the source of the force actually touching it.
How do you deal with that trade-off where you absolutely need an ad sales force but at the same time, if one person at a time, you just can't say let's go out and hire five good engineers or five good ad sales people and not have them be great?
And that is one force towards kindness.
You know, one famous tactic is--if you have an infantry force coming forward, you send tanks in it to break up the line of the infantry, so that you can defeat the infantry in that way.
So, just, if you can take what I'm saying for a moment right now that in fact this should collapse in this very small time frame, we have to see that there's a problem with one of these two things, either the Coulomb force law or Newtonian mechanics. So, what do you guys think is probably the issue here?
If you look at the ground state in two different systems -If you look at the ground state which is n equals one, think about this, if I increase the proton charge, the Coulombic force of attraction is greater.
Every force, with one exception, can be seen as a force due to direct contact with the body.
One says, leave any body near the Earth, it yields a force.
We can be precise about how much bigger by saying, "If the acceleration of a body to a given force is ten times that of a one kilogram mass, then this mass is one-tenth of one kilogram."
我们能精确地知道质量能大多少,只需要说,"如果物体在给定力作用下的加速度,是一个 1 千克物体的加速度的 10 倍,那这个物体的质量就是 1 千克的十分之一"
Maybe you should complete the force acting on this one.
First one says, if you knew the force acting on any body, without going into what caused the force, then you may set that force equal the mass times acceleration of the body.
Force goes as one over r squared.