because English Literature is a good foundation.
This shocking image, this impossible-to-imagine image of a brooding impregnation, establishes the foundation for two of this poem's most daring elements.
Premise 2: To be a practical idealist, the foundation of it has to be the belief that change is possible.
We've been able to raise millions of dollars for the foundation, and we are delighted to be able to sponor cutting-edge reseach.
A young Danish scientist by the name of Niels Bohr, he just finished his Ph.D. in Copenhagen, and he had won himself a postdoctoral fellowship, courtesy of the Carlsberg Brewery foundation.
But however that may be, Plato believes he has found in the formula of one man, one job, a certain foundation for political justice.
So, these are all the fundamentals that are involved in chemistry that relate to physical chemistry, organic chemistry, inorganic chemistry, biological chemistry, and are a solid foundation for studying any kind of life science.
You can see some people in the back with cameras as part of an experimental pilot program funded by the Hewlett Foundation and at some point they will decide what they will do with these lectures.
It is also pretty clear that for some after the foundation of the polis, there were no city walls.
That's a pretty unique claim. And they carried with them the idea and the traditions that laid the foundation for the major religions of the western world: Judaism, Christianity and Islam.
So it applies to macroscopic systems that are in equilibrium, and how to go from one equilibrium state to another equilibrium state, and it's entirely empirical in its foundation.
Some of you may know that name because she went on later to become the President of the University of Pennsylvania and now is the President of the Rockefeller Foundation.
There have been some interesting surveys about people's relationship with food and the Pugh Foundation did a survey that was published in April of 2006 that asked people how much found out what percentage of people really enjoy eating.
You know, it's a great foundation.
So what he has created is a highly linked set of Materials that conserves the foundation for a Very different discussion that would normally Go on in a Shakespeare course.
William and It is an initiative funded by the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation.