You don't want to just ignore it, but in cases like that, it's usually a small fraction of the total.
for just like a small fraction of the price and that's always good.
The problem with--there's a problem with gambling behavior because in a certain fraction of the population we have pathological gambling.
Give enough of the vaccine so you have a dose for everybody in the world, or a large fraction of the people.
When a brief pulse of electricity is sent to the read/write head it flips on a tiny electromagnet for a fraction of a second.
Those of you who know other languages might have in your heads 200,000 words or 300,000 words and you're accessing them in a fraction of a second.
Just to give you a sense of what that means, if the 264 figure is pure covalency and the 344 is partial ionic character, what fraction of the 608 is 344? 344, which is partial ionic character, 57% divided by 608 times 100 is 57%.
Come and claim it afterwards, but you're all entitled to whatever a ninth, whatever that fraction of five dollars is.
I cut it in half, I'll use some protractors and dividers and compasses, you can split the meter into any fraction you like.
And I've reversed the fraction here because of the negative sign here.
Now my guess is that only a fraction of you are really doing that.
So you made somehow an anti-sense polynucleotide to the insulin gene or some fraction of the insulin gene.
Those receptors, some fraction of them, are specific for the ligand that the pre-synaptic cell releases.
这些受体 其中一部分,特异性地结合突触前细胞释放的配体
What I looked at--and I have this on the website, I have a chart showing corporate profits taxes paid, as a fraction of corporate profits for the United States since 1929.
Out of all the genes that are on the human genome which fraction is this particular cell using, which fraction is it expressing determines what proteins are present in the cell, determines what work or what activities the cell can engage in.
You've learnt what the words mean, but you have abstract and unconscious rules that take these words, figure out the order, and in a fraction of a second, give rise to understanding.
Your mortgage payment is constant through time but the fraction of it that goes to paying off principal versus interest changes through time and it just changes as dictated by this formula.
So for instance, immediately you read "The pig is eager to eat" versus "The pig is easy to eat" and in a fraction of a second you know there's an important difference.