God's preference for the offering of Abel valorizes the free life of the nomadic pastoralist over urban existence.
The best things, as they say, "Best things in life are free" and it really is true that, you know,
Shouldn't individuals be free ? to choose for themselves their own plans of life ? wherever it may take them?
He's sort of an innocent primitive, he appears unclothed he lives a free, peaceful life in harmony with the animals, with nature and the beasts, he races across the steppes with the gazelles.
I'm not free to take my own life or to sell my self into slavery or to give to somebody else arbitrary absolute power over me.
And if money-makers in that one and there is neither order nor necessity in this life but calling this life sweet, free, and blessed, he follows it throughout.
Under the law of nature, I'm not free to take somebody else's life or liberty or property, nor am I free to take my own life or liberty or property.
And the drama of human life should revolve not around the search for eternal life but around the moral conflict and tension between a good god's design for creation and the free will of human beings that can corrupt that good design.