Look now, and this is on the handout, at the letter that Milton had written to his friend, Charles Diodati.
One situation is when you're speaking with a friend who had given you really good advice that you failed to take.
Our friend Schr?dinger told us that if you solve for the wave function, this is what the probability densities look like.
He's the friend of women everywhere, at least for a few of his female readers in the eighteenth century, and for many he's the very embodiment of oppressive patriarchy.
His friend, Remi, is taking him in a limousine to a concert, ] you to think about why that might be important].
Nonetheless Oscar Wilde, a friend of Yeats nonetheless, Yeats's poetry does undergo an important and notable stylistic change.
My friend Nassim Talib has just written a book about it called-- maybe I'll talk about that--called The Black Swan.
It's just like the photograph, perhaps the not very good photograph, that reminds me of my friend Ruth.All right.
That's where I can have moral or immoral behavior toward my best friend or baby, or other people in general.
I remember with a Muslim friend of mine, we were comparing Lent to Ramadan.
All right. So you solve the problem and then, lo and behold, it turns out that: It is my friend Bumpy. Bumpy gives me a push.
Look what happens to Galileo, who was lucky enough not to have been burn on the stake by his friend, the pope.
The friend died. The friend was an artist.
If I showed your best friend a picture of you versus a mirror image picture of you, your best friend would say he or she likes the picture more because that corresponds to what he or she sees each day.
And even more scary than that, a friend of mine is married, and his wife was walking to church one morning.
My friend said this was Japanese binding, the way that books open from left to right, backwards.