Student: The beauty of the language and symmetry, the sentence structure, the word choice: I guess going away from the theme, more of just the language.
We don't even know where it is we're supposed to be looking from, and the choice between Fesole and Valdarno that Milton gives the reader is crucial here.
And the activation in another area of the brain, the interna insula that would help us to put the oppisite choice of the bond running away from risk.
As I say, red tends to be chosen, but then if you get lab experiments showing that that particular color of gas blue is somehow or another sort of more invasive of your consciousness than red is, then you move away from the arbitrariness of the choice of red as a color.
Because sometimes it's useful to think about the payoffs, as coming from "i's" own choice and everyone else's choices.
I suggested just a minute ago that one of the relevant stories that is always lying behind Milton's discussion of human choice is the story from the Book of Genesis about Adam and Eve's choice to eat the forbidden fruit.
Of course--and you know this to be the case from like any literary critic who ever tried to write an analysis of anything, Chudleigh has no choice but to nudge the lines that she's quoting out of context.