So you know from algebra I can't actually solve this. There may be multiple solutions to this. What would I have to do to change my code? And the answer is fortunately not a lot.
You know, so I going there from where I live at is like downhill. You know. But it's beautiful, you know.
I know some of you come from Europe and other parts of the world where the ground floor is rez-de-chauss?e or some silly thing like this 1 and you push a button on the elevator to one and you go up to the first floor.
Moreover, instead of having a strap he had this thing that--a rigid thing-- that you pull out from this-- you know what I'm talking about?
He spoke advancing toward her: What is it you see from up there always?--for I want to know."
I should note by the way--you know from the movie that Milgram was a Yale professor.
And, as you know from reading the textbook, why do I mention Nora Jones?
Libertarian says you can't know just from the facts I've just given you.
When Plato writes his Republic and devotes Book Ten, as I'm sure most of you know, to an argument in effect banishing the poets from the ideal republic, part of the argument is that poets are terrible imitators.
But you know, I understand it's a challenge when you're coming from a language that doesn't have any concept of an article.
And five weeks less one day later I decided you know what this might actually be for me and I switched from pass-fail to letter graded status at that point in time.
Now this is when I want to stop for a second and I know that some of you, from past experience, are somewhat math phobic.
You guys probably know that too from your days at the daycare, but I want to derive the formula and put it up, then we'll see how to use it.
Off he went to the northeast Peloponnesus to the site where he thought it might be, Mycenae, from Homer's account-- I wouldn't be telling you this story, and you know the outcome.
But before I do that, I would also like to welcome-- I know that some of you are watching this from home, to the extension school students, it's wonderful to have you here.
You're a Swedish. What part of Sweden are you from? I know that Stockholm is in Sweden.
This seems to be a statement of his alienation or disaffection from the concerns of his fellow Athenians. I know nothing about what you do or what you care about.
So, also about Max Born, just to give you a little bit of a trivial pursuit type knowledge, he not only gave us this relationship between wave function squared, This is her grandfather, I don't know if you can see from the eyes, I feel like there's a little bit of a resemblance there.
I would guess that's pretty much, you know, apart from, you know, all the usual, well-known things.
I can't think of the names, but you know they get it from their psychologist or whatever.
So my challenge to you, and I know Professor Guttag can do this, my challenge to you is, a year from now, come back and look at code you wrote here.
I don't know if you're familiar with the television program "Full House" from the early 90s.
I mean, from day one, I was taught, I was shown football, baseball, sports, you know.
You know, so that, I think, is a major transition from one to the other.
but I mean there's everything from dance clubs to, you know, hangouts, pubs, bars.
I've come back from Ecuador and it's a massive shock, you know.
Okay. Now this gentleman out here is actually doing it different from what I am doing and what most of you are doing but you know what? He's doing it correctly.
I assume that you know nothing, starting from ground zero here and build it up.