And you can hear them together, Yeats moving from one to another with, oh, incredible speed and agility in that final strophe of the poem, on the next page.
And specifically -- our industry's constantly transitioning from one technology to another, and we sort of screwed up one of the transitions.
Thermodynamicstalks about equilibrium systems and how to go from one state of equilibrium to another state of equilibrium.
In the diner, in the apartment: all you do in the apartment is move from one room to another.
Listen to how quickly Yeats modulates from one feeling, one image, to another in these really very short, quick, three-beat lines.
Now, in the heart action potential is moving from one heart muscle cell to another over the surface of the heart.
A low-level language, we used to call this assembly programming, you're down at the level of, your primitives are literally moving pieces of data from one location of memory to another, through a very simple operation.
Can you imagine a visualization of money flowing from one place to another place, what that looks like?
Siblings who obviously share a tremendous amount, and can be extraordinarily similar are precisely the siblings who can struggle and wrestle the most to differentiate themselves from one another.
Here's another video clip from that same series that speaks to this issue, this one's beautifully done.
When you go from one set of axes to another set of axes, the numbers change.
What would happen is these people who were enslaved from different cultures would develop a makeshift communication system so they could talk to one another.
Things move from one state to another state and then back to the first state.
These people all moved from one capital to another.
They are also, and we see this from their relationship between one another, and the way they speak to one another, they are also highly competitive, super achievers.
It's not just municipal governments, but a lot of different aspects of our financial system are going to be touched by a crisis that's spreading from one segment to another.