Unlike many poleis,Athens had been successful in gaining control of the whole region which it dominated,the region of Attica.
I have been gaining weight and don't feel good about it.
Then there are other people who are pretty careful about what they eat and they're still prone to gaining weight.
This is the starting speed, that's the rate at which it is gaining velocity, and that's how long it's been gaining it.
So we have four choices in terms of initial and final energy levels, and also what it means - in terms of the electron -- whether it's gaining energy or whether it's going to be emitting energy?
So body is the key to personal identity, we don't have to worry about the fact that we are constantly gaining and losing items.
What's distinctive about the South: "The South has a tradition," Said Gurganus, "Of attempting the impossible at great cost, proudly celebrating the failure, and in gaining admiration for the performance."
Julius also, then, set himself up in the city, when he started gaining more power in Rome.
We are really attracted to people whose regard for us ? is gaining momentum over time. Okay?
So, we were talking, however, about energy in terms of electron affinity, so we can actually relate electron affinity to any reaction by saying if we have this reaction written as here where we're gaining an electron, we say that electron affinity is just equal to the negative of that change in energy.
When people say,You know,everyone dies alone, you're supposed to be gaining some deep insight into the nature of death.
So chlorine, if we talk about it in terms of electron affinity, we would be writing that we're actually gaining an electron here, and getting the ion, c l minus.
It's gaining speed at some rate a.