However, when that gate is opened, the sodium channel is now going to be incredibly selective and only let through sodium ions and no other type of ion.
And it's a really great experience. So that's pretty much what I associate Golden Gate Park with, for me.
And I typed out an email that said, "I'm at Golden Gate Park watching the bison."
So it's been really great. -Yeah, gate is a great word.
It's called "Great Gate of Kiev" So let's listen to a little of this, 1874, I believe, or 1870s surely, and let's listen to a bit of it and then we're going to focus just on the rhythm.
In Golden Gate Park, I'll cross it to either go home or to the other side of the city.
But you cannot leave the city without going to Golden Gate Park and going to California Academy of Sciences.
so we're one block off Golden Gate Park and ten blocks back off the ocean.
Well, the Golden Gate Bridge is obviously what everyone loves and is famous for.
Or you can talk about the gate being open, and in this case, you can see that you will have an influx of ions.
It has a gate on it and that gate is in open or close state depending on whether a ligand is present or not.
Can you tell us your thoughts about how Golden Gate became so famous?
And so we're able to evaluate not just lives as a whole, looking back at the pearly gate.
One of the concerns out of the gate for students in this course, particularly those we dub less comfortable is that you're already starting off at a disadvantage.
And, that's going to gate the yield.
And so, we walk that distance from Pierson College down to the York Street Gate, over to Chapel Street, make the left on Chapel Street, another block down to High walk into the Starbuck's.