I basically gave them free ray at the beginning, so they work in small groups, and travel from site to site.
What I saw in her, what she gave to me, a strong sense of faith, of confidence and trust in God.
When they left, Julius Caesar, out of his own pocket, gave every soldier in those legions a year's pay.
It's a moment when a child realizes that the person who gave him life can revoke it.
We might be asked, for example, to determine what all of the different elements could be that would produce a spectrum that gave us 5 different lines.
Now in the passage I gave you, Freud says a very interesting thing, which is that after all, we have absolutely no objective evidence that the unconscious exists.
She was part of the clinical trial that did this, and they gave everybody certificates after it was done.
So, if every tenth time your dog brought you the newspaper you gave it hugs and treats; that's ratio.
The Athenians gave him a public funeral on the spot where he fell and paid him the highest honors.
Certainly this is like mid 1990s, we did have the web and the internet but things were slow and it just wasn't really conducive to actually finding things quickly unless you really gave some thought to the problem.
"They had nothing else from fortune," he says, that "gave them the matter enabling them " to introduce any form they please."
Student: How did you regain confidence in your ? investors and people who gave money to you?
That example I gave last time with the bicycle pump was not quite the right example.
And that's a difference in authorship. So if you look, for example, at the prologue to the laws of Ur-nammu: An and Enlil gave kingship to Ur-nammu, but Ur-nammu is said to establish equity and the laws.
They also, because the system worked out better for their purposes, then jumped to nine to eight, which gave them the whole tone.
the quote I gave you or mentioned in the chapter is Welles' saying of John Ford.