So the first step to doing that is I want to just generalize our results so far for a Carnot cycle.
Characters are simple. Suppose you want to represent sets of strings, well you basically just generalize the hash function.
I'm going to generalize from our simple story even more by saying that, let's not assume that we have equally-weighted.
We'll see that next time, and then we'll generalize in a broader sense to look at the direction in which spontaneous processes go. ?
Let's generalize this definition a little bit, since we want it to allow for more general beliefs.
But it's worth taking a moment to flag the fact that there are people, there are philosophers, who think we can generalize across all humans.
Then you're able to generalize that and say, if you multiply it by 2.6, I mean a vector 2.6 as long as A.
然后可以将其推广到更一般的情况,如果用2.6乘以它,所得矢量即为矢量 A 的2.6倍
And we can generalize to figure out, based on any principle quantum number n, how many orbitals we have of the same energy, n and what we can say is that for any shell n, there are n squared degenerate orbitals.
And the error that Lykken and Tellegen and many others make " when they generalize and say "change is not possible" " is what I call "the error of the average".
I could generalize this pretty nicely. Imagine the same kind of idea where I want to simply say I want to take input of anything and try and see how to make sure I get the right kind of thing. I want to make it polymorphic.
Let me generalize this. In this case, my incrementer was just adding 1 to an integer, it's a pretty straightforward thing to do.
Let's pull together what this algorithm actually does. If I generalize binary search, here's what I'm going to stake that this thing does.
So I want to take this idea classes now, and I want to generalize it.
So generalize our Carnot engine results.
And that may generalize again and it keeps going until you either get back to Adam and Eve, I guess. I don't think they were born in the US as far as I know, or you find somebody who satisfies that definition or you find that none of your parents actually are in that category.
This will generalize to probability of A and B and C equals the probability of A times the probability of B times the probability of C and so on.
Let me generalize this slightly.