Though we have to have not just the generic program, but the specific data files and databases and so forth.
The reason I say that is, by having operator overloading I can use 1 generic interface to all of the objects that I want to use.
Simply because of doubt about the generic integrity of various forms of discourse.
Our course over the term will come back to this question over and over again, and it will also come back to the generic question of autobiography.
The Hebrew word that designates the creature created by God is ; the word adam. It's actually not a proper name, small a; it is adam, it's a generic term.
So we have in the pastoral elegy a generic form that's highly predictable.
The essential feature of this regime the polity Politea which in fact he gives the name politea the generic Greek word for regime.
But it was a generic lecture, not about any particular university.
So, let's take a look here at an example of an energy diagram for the hydrogen atom, and we can also look at a energy diagram for a multi-electron atom, and this is just a generic one here, so I haven't actually listed energy numbers, but I want you to see the trend.
And so there was a dispute and the pharmaceutical company sued the South African government to try to prevent their buying the cheap generic, as they saw it, pirated version of an AIDS drug.
Would be a default or generic way of doing, are these things the same?
So wherever you see '"LORD" in small caps, that's actually the English translation for Yahweh, the proper name, like almost a personal name for God. And then in other places we have this word Elohim, which actually is the word for "gods," a sort of generic term for deities in the plural.