They different greatly in style. Genesis 1 is formalized, it's highly structured, it has the seven days and everything's paired up.
We find that in Genesis 7:17, but in Genesis 7:24, 150 days is given as the time of the flood.
Yes, it happens this week we are starting over in the cycle of reading five books of Moses we've been reading the story in Genesis of the creations of the world.
And the rejection of this motif or this idea in Genesis 1 is pointed and purposeful. It's demythologization.
In the first account in Genesis 1, The creation of human is clearly the climactic divine act: after this God can rest.
Elohim Genesis 1 refers to God, as in your translation "God," Elohim, the word that's translated as "God." He's remote, he's transcendent.
When we read the flood story in Genesis 6 through 9, we're often struck by the very odd literary style.
And so Chudleigh attempts to demonstrate - and this is the passage at the top of the handout - Chudleigh attempts to demonstrate that the Genesis story of Adam and Eve establishes no such thing.
Milton's God doesn't, as we learn from Genesis, doesn't fashion the matter of chaos with his hands.
Remember in the Noahide covenant, in Genesis 9, which is a Priestly passage, the Priestly blood prohibition: You may not spill human blood.
In Genesis 1, humans are not the menials of God, And in fact Genesis expresses the antithesis of this.
And the creation of woman, as I said, is in fact the climactic creative act in the second Genesis account.
Now the story of creation in Genesis 1 takes place over seven days, and there's a certain logic and parallelism to the six days of creating.
Previously humans were to be vegetarian: Genesis 1, the portrait was one in which humans and animals did not compete for food, or consume one another.
There are so few words that you can be sure that they were chosen with care. You'll be looking at Genesis 22 closely in your section discussions.
So what we have in the first few chapters of Genesis are two creation stories that have distinctive styles, distinctive themes, distinctive vocabularies and they're placed side by side.
So returning to Genesis 1, We have an absence of theology and mythology in the sense of a biography of God in this opening chapter And that means the absence of a meta-divine realm.
Now, it's interesting because the other four books of the Pentateuch never mention a king. In Genesis through Numbers none of the legal materials say when you have a king this is what he shall do.
It's kind of interesting. God tells Adam before the creation of Eve that he's not to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil that's in Genesis 2:16, on pain of death.
In Genesis 6--I mean, the text you pointed out is a good one but even better, go look at Genesis 6 where you have these nephilim, these divine beings who descend to earth and they mate with female humans.
This is a story that is predominantly in Genesis 2 and trickles into Genesis 3 and I'm going to look at it mostly in isolation from the first account.I'm going to be looking at it in light of an important parallel.
Genesis 1 states that God created the adam, with the definite article: This is not a proper name.
I was just reading recently a scholarly introduction to Genesis that very much argues and develops this interpretation.
So the Priestly materials are found as a block in Leviticus, a large part of Numbers, and then they're scattered throughout Genesis and Exodus.
In Genesis 1. He commands proper care of the dead, and he also does that in the P-source.
Similarly, the so-called five books of Moses--Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus,Numbers, Deuteronomy, nowhere claim to have been written in their entirety by Moses.