Instead, what they do is they bounce all around doing different things and gradually get better and better at it.
So you're going to get more better and better. Listen a lot of English songs and try to sing with them.
And if you graph it, they gradually get better and better.
Somebody dies at age 10 by some horrible disease better if they'd made it up to 40 Somebody dies at age 40,better if they'd made it up to 80 Somebody dies at age 80,better if they'd made it to 100,120 Is it true that life would get better and better and better ? the longer it is?
I'm in over my head, so I better just get practical and give you some examples of what I mean."
And two, to give you a better sense of design especially as your programs get a little more involved and they play or they run for more than just a few seconds time.
All right, next time we're going to talk about a much better scale, which is the ideal gas thermometer and how we get to the Kelvin scale.
.. You want to get it-- if you keep adding assets, you can do better and better on your portfolio standard deviation.
It means that we better get away from these deterministic models where we have a little electron here with its potential energy and its kinetic energy.
And he did get better.
I can get better grades and you know, better average rather than going different uni, so.
If my opponent chooses Beta and I choose Alpha, I get 3; Beta, I get 1. Once again Alpha is better.
You can look at that and get a better idea, and that's less affected by lobbying and special interest than the government version.
The problem was if you have a basically landlocked power and want to get to the sea, then you'd better have a navy.
So you build it with a material like silver and gold, and then you encounter the problems of society that your bridge might get stolen because somebody thinks they have a better use for silver and gold than your bridge.
And a lot of the strikes that you see in high schools and in-- I better get to my lecture,but-- you see in high schools and even in middle schools, have to do with the State,somebody saying, well we're going to take away two-hundred teachers in your department, or we're going to maintain a curriculum that doesn't seem to make any sense.