• We did figure it out, and we'll get there, but I want to do a little bit of work first.


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  • And yeah, you do get a lot of drunks falling out at that sort of time, so.


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  • You pull out your clicker, you do it, and then we'll get a nice little pie chart or a bar chart on the computer of your responses.


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  • It turns out when you do that women get hired far more suggesting that the stereotype is A, incorrect and B, has a real negative and unfair effect on people getting hired.


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  • But that little short hand there is doing exactly the same thing. It is adding that value into some digits and putting it back or signing it back into some digits. And I'll walk through that loop and when I'm done I can print out the total thing does. And if I do that, I get out what I would expect.


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  • because that is a skill that they need to do when they are older, filling out forms and what did one actually look like to get a passport in USA.


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  • You don't have to try to get the change of law You don't have to get the supreme court to change its mind. All you have to do is to get out your credit card and go online and it's done.


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  • If the units are supposed to come out in meters per second and you get seconds per meter, what do you figure the chances of that problem being right are?


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  • I can do that because it's reversible, and I can get a functional form out.


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  • And then, what do they get out of it?


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  • I would love for the economy to do better for us to be able to sell the house and, you know, get out from under it.


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  • so you get the other team go out and what they do is field.


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  • How do we get out of it? This is of course for much of the book. What do we do to get out of this state of nature to enter ? a condition of civil society and civilized life?


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  • So instead you'd have to maybe if you start with wavelength, go over there, and then figure out velocity and do something more like kinetic energy equals 1/2 n b squared to get there.


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  • All right? And if you want to do other things, whoops, sorry-- and add them together, we will get out, again, a concatenation of that string. And these will, we'll let you work through the variations, but these are the simple expressions we can use.


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