That's not literally true. I'm going to squeeze it a bit, I'm going to curve it a bit, so actually slightly fewer than a sixth will get straight A's, and fewer than a sixth will get C's and below.
And you don't get a complete straight line but you get an interesting function that suggest that there's a relationship.
You can see that as you fill up your periodic table, it's very clear. But also we'll tell you a pneumonic device to keep that in mind, so you always remember and get the orbital energy straight.
So putting that all together, I know that it must go through here again, and once again, i get a straight line.
We'll go straight to 79. On page 79 we get an account of a conversation between Richard and his friends and it's annotated with interpretative asides.
American soldiers and Iraqi civilians are dying daily in Iraq, in a war we rushed into under full straight tenses t get out of.
That's a choice, and that choice turns out to be very interesting and really important, because if you connect these two points together, you get a straight line that has to intercept the x-axis at some point.
So, this should be pretty straight forward, 100% let's see if we can get close to a 100% on this one, which is how many radial nodes does a 4 p orbital have?